Wednesday 7 May 2014

Harry's 5 sentence challenge

The man with the white hat is fixing the 109 train wheels.

Happily, the little boy near platform eight, is waving his arms, because he is about to go on the big red train.

Struggling, the man in the red hat pushes the suitcases down platform five.

The green dress lady, is singing 'We're all going on a Summer Holiday"

The driver on the 109 train to Spain, is about to ring the bell, to tell passengers to get on the train.


  1. Hello!
    What super, descriptive sentences you have typed about the picture! I love how you described the boy, the man and the lady and now I need to look at the picture again to find them all! My favourite sentence is the second one about the boy. Great work!

  2. Replies
    1. Well done, Harry. I like your sentences.
      You are a good observer, and have good fantasy!
